Sunday, October 5, 2008


"Red Belt" (2008) written and directed by David Mamet. Mike Terry (Chiwetel Ejiofor) a mixed martial artist financially down on his luck happens upon a slew of unfortunate events that leave him conned out of everything he owns. However, this is not the essence of this powerful film but the storyline that helps illustrate it's true focus - nobility. In a world ruled by money, greed and corruption, a world where selfishness and manipulation are applauded, is there any hope for those of us interested in purity and genuine nobility? In today's modern world the warrior spirit is at stake due to the fact we reward the corrupted for there "by any means necessary" (bottom-line profit) mentalities and convict those with a conscience as "lazy" for not being able to play by capitalism's rules of engagement. Red Belt is an important movie, with a solid message. As we presently sit in the kingdoms of corrupted men on the verge of collapse I urge you all to rent this film and remember what a true hero looks like and keep in mind - MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING. -Mr.-

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